Automated Drawing Assement
Upload Drawings
What is AuDrA?
AuDrA is a finetuned convolutional neural network that provides creativity ratings for uploaded drawings (read the paper). It has been trained specifically to assess drawings resulting from the Drawing Task on CAP.
While AuDrA can process any uploaded drawings, using drawings from other tasks will lead to less accurate ratings, and we do not recommend it.
How do I use AuDrA?
To use AuDrA, upload the drawings you want to have rated. The uploaded drawings are not saved by the system. AuDrA will process the drawings and generate a CSV file containing the creativity ratings, with columns named 'filenames' (indicating the name of each uploaded drawing file) and 'predictions' (the corresponding creativity rating for each drawing). The CSV file will be automatically downloaded to your computer for further analysis.